
Lab Report 5

# Create your grading script here

# set -e

rm -rf student-submission
git clone $1 student-submission
cd student-submission

if [[ ! -f ListExamples.java ]]
    echo "File does not exist"
    exit N

if [[ -e ListExamples.java ]]
    echo "File does not exist"
    exit N

javac -cp ".;../lib/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar;../lib/junit-4.13.2.jar" *.java
java -cp ".;../lib/junit-4.13.2.jar;../lib/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar" org.junit.runner.JUnitCore ListExamples

Lab 3:




Compile Error:


stdout, stderr, and Error Code

  1. For the line with the command rm -rf student-submission:
    • There is no standard output as it just removes the folder named student-submission and its contents.
    • There is no standard error as there is always a file named student-submission to remove.
    • Since the command succeded, the return code would be 0.
  2. For the line with the command git clone $1 student-submission:
    • At first I thought the standard output would be the output of the git clone “Cloning into ‘student-submission’”. But when I used >out.txt to see the standard output, there was none, so this line does not contain any standart output.
    • There is no standard error since the repository always exists and manages to get cloned.
    • Since the command succeded, the return code would be 0
  3. For the line with the command cd student-submission:
    • There is no standard output as it just changes its working directory into student-submission
    • There is no standard error as there is always a file named student-submission to change into
    • Since the command succeded, the return code would be 0
  4. For the line with the first if statment with [[ ! -f ListExamples.java ]] as a condition:
    • There is no standard output as it just checks to see if a file doesn’t exits with ‘-f’
    • There is no standard error as it will always find a file in student-submission
    • Since the command succeded, the return code would be 0
  5. For the line with the first if statment with [[ ! -e ListExamples.java ]] as a condition:
    • There is no standard output as it just checks to see if it doesn’t finds a file with ‘-e’
    • There is no standard error as it will always find a file in student-submission
    • Since the command succeded, the return code would be 0
  6. For the line with the command javac -cp ".;../lib/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar;../lib/junit-4.13.2.jar" *.java:
    • There is no standard output as this commands makes the java classes in the folder student-submission
    • There is no standard error as the java program always makes a class file
    • Since the command succeded, the return code would be 0
  7. For the line with the command java -cp ".;../lib/junit-4.13.2.jar;../lib/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar" org.junit.runner.JUnitCore ListExamples:
    • There is no standard output as the command detecs an error, so it couldn’t go through with the command
    • The standard error is:
       ListExamples.java:15: error: ';' expected
        result.add(0, s)
       1 error

      This is the case since the student forgot to add a semicolon, ending the command short to give a standard syntax error

    • Since the command failed and returned an error, the return code would be non-zero number. After some research, I think it would end up giving a error code of 1.

if Statments